Now, my LDW thoughts…
I seriously cannot believe that today is September 1st. The first of the month can be exciting and painful at the same time. Exciting because it’s the start of a new month, new you, new goals…yada yada…whatever. Painful because bills are due, rent is due, time is flying by, people are already Christmas Shopping and it’s almost 2017. Ok, I am going to try and stay positive here and talk about GOOD things that are happening this weekend in the Garden State AKA NEW JOISY. As of now the weather is looking decent but who the hell knows. I’m not a weather woman and hurricane Hermaine seems to be messing with us a bit. Let us be, Hermy!
Again, if you’re staying in NJ…good for you! I love staycations and I plan on doing that this weekend thanks to my Mom and Dad. Shout out to Pat and Nick for their hospitality. Even if they don’t know they’re “hosting” me yet. Below are some fun events happening in the area!
Asbury Park – my favorite beach! Also just an hour and 15 minutes away from my apartment in Jersey City. You’ll find a lot of fun stuff going on there this weekend including a beach bon fire at 7PM tomorrow night (9/2). Enjoy the start of the weekend with logs burning on a beach as the sun sets over the ocean. There’s also a Tea Dance happening earlier at The Asbury hotel Friday at 4pm. The Asbury Hotel and Berkeley Hotel are nice places to stay but also very expensive. Air B’n’B’ isn’t a bad option when visiting Asbury for a night during the weekend instead of paying $500.00/per night. Like come on Asbury, you’re not West Palm Beach.
Who doesn’t love a good clambake? Ok, probably 42% of people. Well, Mountain Creek will be hosting a Clambake on 9/3. Fresh seafood, clam shucking, drinks and fireworks. If you’re not far from here it’s definitely an option to consider. My parents are only 31 minutes away so I may make the trip!
Nutley street fair (9/4) is also an option for anyone in Nutley who doesn’t want to leave Essex County which seems to be the case with a lot of my friends who live there. They will have over 200 vendors, crafters, artists, music and plenty of fried food!
Monmouth Park BBQ & Craft Beer Festival (9/5 11:30-5:30) will also be happening. The racetrack always seems to do something fun for 3 day weekends. They’ll have deliciousfood, live music, horse races and of course beer tastings. There will be over 40 craft beers to choose from. If you spend too much money just bet on a race! PSA: if you have a gambling addiction, steer clear!
Grounds for Sculpture, which I’ve always wanted to visit, will be having an end-of-summer party with burgers (beef & veggie), hot dogs and even beer! Count me in! The event is from 11:30-3:30pm. I would call to make sure this is 100% accurate because it was hard to get a lot of info on!
Last but not least, is the Wine & Music Festival at the Horse Park in Allentown, NJ. 9/3 & 9/4 and tickets are $30.00. There will be live music (lots of blues) and great vino. This is organized by the Garden State Wine Growers Association so it will be a great event for all you wine lovers out there!